(function($) { "use strict"; function nplModal() { var core = { debug: false, debug_level: 1, // 1-4 state: { slug: null, gallery_id: null, image_id: null, sidebar: null }, selector: nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector($, $(".nextgen_pro_lightbox")), options: {}, defaults: { speed: 'medium', // see jQuery docs for setting // the url is restored to this location when the lightbox closes initial_url: window.location.toString().split('#')[0], ajax_url: photocrati_ajax.url, router_slug: 'gallery' }, init: function(parameters) { core.methods.log('nplModal.init()', { parameters: parameters, defaults: core.defaults, selector: core.selector, debug: core.debug, debug_level: core.debug_level }); var overlay = $("
"); var wrapper = $("
"); var spinner = $(""); var btn_close = $(""); var content = $("
"); var sidebar = $("
"); var s_overlay = $("
"); var toggle = $(""); if (core.methods.mobile.browser.ios()) { overlay.addClass('npl_ios_no_opacity'); wrapper.addClass('npl_ios_hack'); } if (core.methods.is_ie9()) { wrapper.addClass('npl_ie9_flex_hack'); } // Provide a hook for third-parties to add their own methods $(window).trigger('override_nplModal_methods', core.methods); overlay.css({background: core.methods.get_setting('background_color')}); spinner.css({color: core.methods.get_setting('icon_color')}); s_overlay.css({color: core.methods.get_setting('icon_color')}); btn_close.css({color: core.methods.get_setting('overlay_icon_color')}); sidebar.css({background: core.methods.get_setting('sidebar_background_color')}); toggle.css({color: core.methods.get_setting('overlay_icon_color')}); var body = $('body'); body.append(overlay); body.append(wrapper); wrapper.append(spinner); wrapper.append(btn_close); wrapper.append(toggle); wrapper.append(content); wrapper.append(sidebar); wrapper.append(s_overlay); // get_setting() isn't available when declaring the base defaults parameters = $.extend(parameters, {router_slug: core.methods.get_setting('router_slug')}); core.options = $.extend(core.defaults, parameters); core.methods.bind_images(); core.methods.set_events(); core.methods.mobile.init(); // Restrict the padding so that we at *least* have half of the screen to display on if (parseInt(core.methods.get_setting('padding', '0')) > 0) { var space = core.methods.get_setting('padding', '0'); var space_unit = core.methods.get_setting('padding_unit', 'px'); var maxWidth = window.innerWidth / 4; var maxHeight = window.innerHeight / 4; var maxDimension = Math.min(maxWidth, maxHeight); if (space_unit === 'px' && space > maxDimension) { space = maxDimension; } else if (space_unit === '%' && space > 25) { space = 25; } space = space + space_unit; $("").appendTo("head"); } core.methods.router.routes.push({ re: new RegExp('^' + core.options.router_slug + '\/(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)$', 'i'), handler: core.methods.url_handler }); core.methods.router.routes.push({ re: new RegExp('^' + core.options.router_slug + '\/(.*)\/(.*)$', 'i'), handler: core.methods.url_handler }); core.methods.router.routes.push({ re: new RegExp('^' + core.options.router_slug + '$', 'i'), handler: core.methods.close_modal }); core.methods.router.routes.push({ re: '', handler: core.methods.close_modal }); // Ask the router to listen for routing requests // Safari and Opera don't fire the load event when the cache // has been cached, and the pageshow event should be used instead /** SEE: ------ Webkit: http://webkit.org/blog/516/webkit-page-cache-ii-the-unload-event/ Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Using_Firefox_1.5_caching. Chrome: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2879 */ ['load', 'pageshow'].map(function(eventType){ setTimeout(function() { core.methods.router.listen(); }, 200); }) // Hack for iOS and some Android browsers that can't handle position:fixed when the keyboard is open if (core.methods.mobile.browser.ios() || core.methods.mobile.browser.android()) { wrapper.addClass('npl_mobile'); } $(window).trigger('npl_initialization_complete'); }, methods: { _pre_open_callbacks: [], _is_open: false, getDPIRatio: function() { var ratio = 1; // To account for zoom, change to use deviceXDPI instead of systemXDPI if (window.screen.systemXDPI !== undefined && window.screen.logicalXDPI !== undefined && window.screen.systemXDPI > window.screen.logicalXDPI) { // Only allow for values > 1 ratio = window.screen.systemXDPI / window.screen.logicalXDPI; } else if (window.devicePixelRatio !== undefined) { ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; } core.methods.log('nplModal.getDPIRatio()', { result: ratio }); return ratio; }, url_handler: function() { var slug = arguments[0]; var image_id = arguments[1]; var sidebar = null; if (arguments.length === 3) { sidebar = arguments[2]; if (sidebar === '1') { sidebar = 'comments'; } } // need to get slug, image_id, and sidebar // determine the ID from our slug. if nothing comes back, assume we're already looking at the ID var gallery_id = this.get_id_from_slug(slug); if (!gallery_id) { gallery_id = slug; } // Image_ID should remain an integer for all NGG provided images // but it's passed to this method as a string var old_state = this.get_state(); if (parseInt(image_id) === old_state.image_id) { image_id = parseInt(image_id); } var state = { gallery_id: gallery_id, image_id: image_id, sidebar: sidebar, slug: slug }; this.set_state(state); $('#npl_content').trigger('npl_url_handler', [state]); if (this.is_open() && gallery_id === core.state.gallery_id) { return; } this.open_modal(gallery_id, image_id, sidebar); }, run_pre_open_lightbox_callbacks: function(link, params) { for (var i = 0; i < this._pre_open_callbacks.length; i++) { var callback = this._pre_open_callbacks[i]; params = callback(link, params); } return params; }, add_pre_open_callback: function(callback) { this._pre_open_callbacks.push(callback); }, get_state: function() { return core.state; }, set_state: function(state) { core.methods.log("nplModal.set_state()", { state: state }); core.state = state; }, get_setting: function (name, def) { var tmp = ''; if (typeof nplModalSettings !== 'undefined' && typeof nplModalSettings[name] !== 'undefined' && nplModalSettings[name] !== '') { tmp = window.nplModalSettings[name]; } else { tmp = def; } if (tmp === 1) tmp = true; if (tmp === 0) tmp = false; if (tmp === '1') tmp = true; if (tmp === '0') tmp = false; core.methods.log('nplModal.get_setting()', { name: name, result: tmp }, 3); return tmp; }, get_slug: function (gallery_id) { var slug = gallery_id; if ('undefined' === typeof window.galleries) { return slug; } $.each(galleries, function(index, gallery) { if (gallery.slug && gallery.ID === gallery_id) { slug = gallery.slug; } }); core.methods.log('nplModal.get_slug()', { gallery_id: gallery_id, result: slug }); return slug; }, open: function($el) { core.methods.log('nplModal.open()', { el: $el }); // Define parameters for opening the Pro Lightbox var params = { show_sidebar: '', gallery_id: '!', image_id: '!', slug: null, revert_image_id: '!', open_the_lightbox: true }; // Determine if we should show the comment sidebar if ($el.data('nplmodal-show-comments')) { params.show_sidebar = '/comments'; } // Determine the gallery id if ($el.data('nplmodal-gallery-id')) { params.gallery_id = $el.data('nplmodal-gallery-id'); } // Determine the image id if ($el.data('nplmodal-image-id')) { params.image_id = parseInt($el.data('nplmodal-image-id')); } else if ($el.data('image-id')) { params.image_id = parseInt($el.data('image-id')); } else if (params.gallery_id === '!') { var $image = $el.find('img'); params.image_id = $image.attr('src'); if ($image.attr('srcset')) { var sizes = parseSrcset($image.attr('srcset')); var largest_w = 0; _.each(sizes, function (row) { if (typeof row.w !== undefined && row.w > largest_w) { largest_w = row.w; params.image_id = row.url; } }); } } // Determine the slug if (params.gallery_id !== '!') { params.slug = this.get_slug(params.gallery_id); } // Run any registered callbacks for modifying lightbox params params = this.run_pre_open_lightbox_callbacks($el, params); // Are we to still open the lightbox? if (params.open_the_lightbox) { // open the pro-lightbox manually if (params.gallery_id === '!' || !this.get_setting('enable_routing')) { this.open_modal(params.gallery_id, params.image_id, null); } else { // open the pro-lightbox through our backbone.js router core.methods.router.front_page_pushstate(params.gallery_id, params.image_id); core.methods.set_state({ gallery_id: params.gallery_id, image_id: params.image_id, sidebar: params.show_sidebar, slug: params.slug }); this.router.navigate( core.options.router_slug + '/' + params.slug + '/' + params.image_id + params.show_sidebar ); // some displays (random widgets) may need to disable routing // but still pass an image-id to display on startup if (params.revert_image_id !== '!') { core.state.image_id = params.revert_image_id; } } } }, bind_images: function() { // to handle ajax-pagination events this method is called on the 'refreshed' signal var selector = nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector($, $(".nextgen_pro_lightbox")); // Modify the selector to exclude any Photocrati Lightboxes var new_selector = []; for (var index = 0; index < selector.length; index++) { var el = selector[index]; if (!$(el).hasClass('photocrati_lightbox_always') && !$(el).hasClass('decoy')) { new_selector.push(el); } } // Ensure that we're attaching the event to the A tag, not the img, if // there is one. // TODO: Should this be moved to nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector() ? new_selector = new_selector.map(function(el) { return $(el).hasClass('nextgen_pro_lightbox') && el.nodeName != 'A' && $(el).parents('a').length ? $(el).parents('a')[0] : el; }); core.selector = $(new_selector); core.selector.on('click', function (event) { // pass these by if ($.inArray($(this).attr('target'), ['_blank', '_parent', '_top']) > -1) { return; } // NextGEN Basic Thumbnails has an option to link to an imagebrowser display; this disables the effect // code (we have no gallery-id) but we may be asked to open it anyway if lightboxes are set to apply // to all images. Check for and do nothing in that scenario: if ($(this).data('src') && $(this).data('src').indexOf(core.methods.get_setting('router_slug') + '/image') !== -1 && !$(this).data('nplmodal-gallery-id')) { return; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (event.handled !== true) { event.handled = true; core.methods.open($(this)); } }); }, // establishes bindings of events to actions set_events: function() { var self = this; $(window).on('refreshed', self.bind_images); $(window).on('keydown', self.handle_keyboard_input); $('#npl_content').on('npl_images_ready', self.open_modal_final); // handle exit clicks/touch events $('#npl_overlay, #npl_button_close').on('touchstart click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (event.handled !== true) { event.handled = true; self.close_modal(); } }); }, open_modal: function(gallery_id, image_id, sidebar) { core.methods.log('nplModal.open_modal()', { gallery_id: gallery_id, image_id: image_id, sidebar: sidebar }); this._is_open = true; // allow for cleanup handlers to run $('#npl_content').trigger('npl_opening'); // disables browser scrollbar display $('html, body').toggleClass('nextgen_pro_lightbox_open'); core.state.image_id = image_id; core.state.gallery_id = gallery_id; $('#npl_spinner_container').removeClass('hidden'); $('#npl_button_close').removeClass('hidden'); this.fullsize.exit(); this.mobile.open(); // fetch_images(), when done building a list of images to feed to Galleria, will trigger // an event on #npl_content that is handled by open_modal_final() core.methods.fetch_images.fetch_images(gallery_id, image_id); }, preload_image: function(image_obj) { return new Promise(resolve => { const image = new Image(); image.addEventListener('load', () => { resolve(); }); image.src = image_obj.use_hdpi ? image_obj.srcsets.hdpi : image_obj.image; }); }, open_modal_final: function(event, gallery_id) { var show_ndx = 0; var show_hdpi = core.methods.getDPIRatio() > 1; var images = core.methods.fetch_images.gallery_image_cache[core.state.gallery_id]; var sidebar = core.state.sidebar; $.each(images, function(index, element) { // Mark the requested image as the one to show at startup if (parseInt(core.state.image_id) === parseInt(element.image_id)) { show_ndx = index; } // A WP media library or 'other' / non-nextgen image if (typeof core.state.image_id == 'string' && typeof element.image_id == 'string') { if (core.state.image_id === element.image_id) { show_ndx = index; } } // In case we're viewing a WP or non-NGG image if (typeof element.full_use_hdpi !== 'undefined') { // Massage our data for High-DPI screens if (show_hdpi && element.full_use_hdpi) { element.image = element.full_srcsets.hdpi; } else { // In case the plain 'image' is a dynamically-shrunk version: // we always want to use the 'full' size image when available element.image = element.full_image; } } }); // Determine if carousel thumbnails should be enabled var thumbnails = core.methods.get_setting('enable_carousel', 'always'); var thumbnails_limit = core.methods.get_setting('carousel_thumbnails_limit', 250); var gallery = core.methods.get_gallery_from_id(gallery_id); if (thumbnails === 'always') { thumbnails = 'lazy'; } else if (thumbnails === 'never') { thumbnails = false; } else if (thumbnails === 'nomobile') { if (core.methods.mobile.browser.any()) { thumbnails = false; } else { thumbnails = 'lazy'; } } // Very large galleries can severely impact performance. Disabling carousel thumbnails // can greatly relieve that impact however, so we automatically change for very large galleries if (gallery && gallery.images_list_count >= thumbnails_limit) { thumbnails = false; } if (!thumbnails) { $('#npl_wrapper').addClass('nggpl-carousel-hidden'); } if (sidebar || (core.methods.get_setting('display_cart', false) && core.methods.get_displayed_gallery_setting(gallery_id, 'is_ecommerce_enabled', false)) || (core.methods.get_setting('display_comments', false) && core.methods.get_setting('enable_comments', false))) { $('#npl_wrapper').addClass('npl-sidebar-open npl-sidebar-overlay-open'); } if (core.methods.get_setting('display_captions', false)) { $('#npl_wrapper').addClass('npl-info-open'); } if (core.methods.get_setting('style')) { $('#npl_wrapper').addClass('npl-variant-' + core.methods.get_setting('style')) } if (!core.methods.get_setting('display_carousel', true) || core.methods.mobile.browser.any()) { $('#npl_wrapper').addClass('npl-carousel-closed'); } if (images.length >= thumbnails_limit) { thumbnails = false; } core.methods.log('nplModal.open_modal() about to invoke Galleria.run()', { thumbnails: thumbnails, images: images, show: show_ndx, sidebar: sidebar }); // Preload the first six images ourselves, THEN start Galleria. This is done to mitigate Galleria.js // positioning images incorrectly when they are slow to load at startup and during transitions. const preloads = images.slice((show_ndx - 3), (show_ndx + 3)); const promises = preloads.map(image => core.methods.preload_image(image)); Promise.all(promises).then((values) => { Galleria.run('#npl_content', { responsive: true, thumbQuality: false, thumbnails: thumbnails, preload: 0, theme: 'nextgen_pro_lightbox', dataSource: images, show: show_ndx, variation: 'nggpl-variant-' + core.methods.get_setting('style', ''), transition: core.methods.get_setting('transition_effect', 'slide'), touchTransition: core.methods.get_setting('touch_transition_effect', 'slide'), imagePan: core.methods.get_setting('image_pan', false), pauseOnInteraction: core.methods.get_setting('interaction_pause', true), imageCrop: core.methods.get_setting('image_crop', true), transitionSpeed: (core.methods.get_setting('transition_speed', 0.4) * 1000), nggSidebar: sidebar }); // Set the background color right away, so that we don't have to wait for the theme init $('#npl_content .galleria-container').css({background: core.methods.get_setting('background_color')}); }); }, // When rotaning or opening the keyboard some mobile browsers increase the user zoom level beyond the default. // To handle this we update the viewport setting to disable zooming when open_modal is run and restore it to // the original value when calling close_modal() mobile: { meta: null, original: null, // original viewport setting; it's restored at closing adjust: true, ontouch: ('ontouchstart' in window), init: function() { // suppress a warning in desktop chrome (provided no touch input devices are attached) that the following // content meta-attribute we're about to set is invalid. it technically is, but it's the only way // to make every mobile browser happy without ridiculous user agent matching that I've come across so far if (!this.ontouch) { this.adjust = false; } var doc = window.document; if (!doc.querySelector) { return; } // this isn't available on pre 3.2 safari this.meta = doc.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]"); this.original = this.meta && this.meta.getAttribute("content"); }, open: function() { if (this.adjust && this.meta) { core.methods.log('nplModal.mobile.open()'); this.meta.setAttribute("content", this.original + ', width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0, shrink-to-fit=no'); } }, close: function() { if (this.adjust && this.meta) { core.methods.log('nplModal.mobile.close()'); this.meta.setAttribute("content", this.original); } }, browser: { any: function() { return core.methods.mobile.browser.android() || core.methods.mobile.browser.ios() || core.methods.mobile.browser.windowsphone() || core.methods.mobile.browser.blackberry(); }, android: function() { return /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, ios: function() { return /crios|iP(hone|od|ad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, windowsphone: function() { return /(iemobile|Windows Phone)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, blackberry: function() { return /(blackberry|RIM Tablet|BB10; )/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } } }, is_ie9: function() { return navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 9.") !== -1; }, // hide our content and close up close_modal: function() { if (!this._is_open) { return; } core.methods.log('nplModal.close_modal()'); var content = $('#npl_content'); // allow for cleanup handlers to run content.trigger('npl_closing'); // kill Galleria so it won't suck up memory in the background const innerGalleria = content.data('galleria'); if ('undefined' !== typeof innerGalleria) { innerGalleria.destroy(); } this.fullsize.enter(); // for use with Galleria it is important that npl_content never have display:none set $('#npl_spinner_container, #npl_button_close').addClass('hidden'); // enables displaying browser scrollbars $('html, body').toggleClass('nextgen_pro_lightbox_open'); // Reset all statuses such as whether the sidebar has been triggered $('#npl_wrapper').removeClass(); this.mobile.close(); // reset our modified url to our original state if (this.get_setting('enable_routing')) { if (history.pushState) { history.pushState('', document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search); } else { window.location.hash = ''; } if (this.get_setting('is_front_page') && history.pushState) { history.pushState({}, document.title, core.options.initial_url); } } this._is_open = false; }, fullsize: { _is_fullsize: false, active: function() { return this.fullsize._is_fullsize; }, enter: function() { core.methods.log('nplModal.fullsize.enter()'); $('#npl_wrapper').removeClass('npl_open_with_padding'); this._is_fullsize = true; }, exit: function() { core.methods.log('nplModal.fullsize.exit()'); if (parseInt(core.methods.get_setting('padding', '0')) > 0 && !core.methods.mobile.browser.ios()) { $('#npl_wrapper').addClass('npl_open_with_padding'); } this._is_fullsize = false; }, toggle: function() { core.methods.log('nplModal.fullsize.toggle()'); if (this.fullsize._is_fullsize) { this.fullsize.exit(); } else { this.fullsize.enter(); } $(window).trigger('resize'); } }, handle_keyboard_input: function(event) { if (core.methods.is_open()) { // escape key closes the modal if (event.which === 27) { core.methods.close_modal(); } } }, is_open: function() { return this._is_open; }, log: function(message, table, level) { if (!core.debug) { return; } if (typeof level === 'undefined') { level = 1; } if (level > core.debug_level) { return; } if (typeof table === 'undefined') { console.log("NPL Debug:", message) } else { console.log("NPL Debug:", message, table); } }, logging: { enable: function() { console.log("Enabling NextGen Pro Lightbox debugging"); core.debug = true; }, disable: function() { console.log("Disabling NextGen Pro Lightbox debugging"); core.debug = false; }, set_level: function(level) { console.log("Setting NextGen Pro Lightbox debug level to " + level); core.level = parseInt(level); } }, fetch_images: { gallery_image_cache: [], ajax_info: [], ajax_interval: null, ajax_delay: 1400, is_cached: function(gallery_id, image_id) { var found = false; $.each(this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id], function (ndx, image) { if (image_id === image.image_id) { found = true; } }); core.methods.log("nplModal.fetch_images.is_cached()", { gallery_id: gallery_id, image_id: image_id, gallery_cache: this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id], found: found }, 4); return found; }, fetch_images: function(gallery_id, image_id) { core.methods.log('nplModal.fetch_images.fetch_images() beginning'); var self = this; this.ajax_delay = core.methods.get_setting('ajax_delay', 1400); if (typeof this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id] === 'undefined') { this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id] = []; } var gallery = core.methods.get_gallery_from_id(gallery_id); if (gallery === null) { // It's not a NextGen gallery, just read from the page return this.fetch_non_ngg_images(gallery_id); } // Gallery is already cached - just trigger the ready event if (this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id].length === gallery.images_list_count) { return $('#npl_content').trigger('npl_images_ready', [gallery_id]); } // Build the cache from the list 'localized' on the page $.each(gallery.images_list, function(ndx, image) { if (!self.is_cached(gallery_id, image.image_id)) { self.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id].push(image); } }); // Again check if our cache is full if (this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id].length === gallery.images_list_count) { return $('#npl_content').trigger('npl_images_ready', [gallery_id]); } // Not all images are on this page: fetch by XHR - which handles the ready event if (this.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id].length < gallery.images_list_count) { return this.fetch_images_from_ajax(gallery_id); } }, fetch_non_ngg_images: function (gallery_id) { core.methods.log('nplModal.fetch_images.fetch_non_ngg_images() beginning', { gallery_id: gallery_id }); var self = this; core.selector.each(function() { var anchor = $(this); if (anchor.hasClass('ngg-trigger')) { return true; // exclude NextGEN trigger icons } if (gallery_id !== '!' && gallery_id !== anchor.data('nplmodal-gallery-id')) { return true; // exclude images from other galleries } if (gallery_id !== core.methods.get_state().gallery_id) { return true; // exclude images from other galleries } if (core.methods.get_state().gallery_id === '!' && anchor.data('nplmodal-gallery-id')) { return true; // when viewing non-nextgen images; exclude nextgen-images } var image = $(this).find('img').first(); var gallery_image = {}; var expr = /\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|bmp)$/i; gallery_image.image = (anchor.data('fullsize') === undefined) ? anchor.attr('href') : anchor.data('fullsize'); if (typeof gallery_image.image !== 'undefined' && !gallery_image.image.match(expr) && image.attr('srcset')) { var sizes = parseSrcset(image.attr('srcset')); var largest_w = 0; _.each(sizes, function (row) { if (typeof row.w !== undefined && row.w > largest_w) { largest_w = row.w; gallery_image.image = row.url; } }); } // Workaround WP' "link to attachment page" feature if (!gallery_image.image.match(expr)) { gallery_image.image = image.attr('src'); } // When in doubt we id images by their href gallery_image.image_id = (anchor.data('image-id') === undefined) ? gallery_image.image : anchor.data('image-id'); // no need to continue if (self.is_cached(gallery_id, gallery_image.image_id)) { return true; } // optional attributes if (anchor.data('thumb') !== undefined) gallery_image.thumb = anchor.data('thumb'); else if (anchor.data('thumbnail') !== 'undefined') gallery_image.thumb = anchor.data('thumbnail'); if (anchor.data('title') !== undefined) { gallery_image.title = anchor.data('title'); } else if (typeof image.attr('title') !== 'undefined') { gallery_image.title = image.attr('title'); } else if (typeof anchor.siblings('.wp-caption-text').html() !== 'undefined') { gallery_image.title = anchor.siblings('.wp-caption-text').html(); } if (anchor.data('description') !== undefined) { gallery_image.description = anchor.data('description'); } else { gallery_image.description = image.attr('alt'); } self.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id].push(gallery_image); }); core.methods.log('nplModal.fetch_images.fetch_non_ngg_images() result', { result: self.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id] }); $('#npl_content').trigger('npl_images_ready', [gallery_id]) }, create_deferred_ajax: function(gallery_id, gallery, page) { var self = this; return $.ajax({ async: true, url: core.options.ajax_url, method: 'POST', data: { id: gallery_id, gallery: gallery, action: 'pro_lightbox_load_images', lang: core.methods.get_setting('lang', null), page: page }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { core.methods.log('nplModal.fetch_images.create_deferred_ajax() response', { response: data }); $.each(data, function(ndx, newimage) { if (!self.is_cached(gallery_id, newimage.image_id)) { self.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id].push(newimage); } }); } }); }, fetch_images_from_ajax: function(gallery_id, image_id) { if (!core.methods.is_open()) { return; } core.methods.log('nplModal.fetch_images.fetch_images_from_ajax()', { gallery_id: gallery_id, image_id: image_id }); var self = this; var original_gallery = core.methods.get_gallery_from_id(gallery_id); var gallery = $.extend({}, original_gallery); delete gallery.images_list; delete gallery.display_settings; var defers = []; for (i = 0; i <= Math.ceil(gallery.images_list_count / core.methods.get_setting('localize_limit')); i++) { defers.push(core.methods.fetch_images.create_deferred_ajax(gallery_id, gallery, i)); } $.when.apply($, defers).then(function() { $('#npl_content').trigger('npl_images_ready', [gallery_id]); }); return self.gallery_image_cache[gallery_id]; } }, get_gallery_from_id: function (gallery_id) { if ('undefined' === typeof window.galleries) { return null; } var retval = null; $.each(window.galleries, function(index, gallery) { if (gallery.ID === gallery_id || gallery.ID === parseInt(gallery_id)) { retval = gallery; } }); return retval; }, get_id_from_slug: function (slug) { var id = slug; if ('undefined' === typeof window.galleries) { return id; } $.each(window.galleries, function(index, gallery) { if (gallery.slug === slug) { id = gallery.ID; } }); return id; }, get_displayed_gallery_setting: function(gallery_id, name, def) { var tmp = ''; var gallery = this.get_gallery_from_id(gallery_id); if (gallery && typeof gallery.display_settings[name] !== 'undefined') { tmp = gallery.display_settings[name]; } else { tmp = def; } if (tmp === '1') tmp = true; if (tmp === '0') tmp = false; if (tmp === 1) tmp = true; if (tmp === 0) tmp = false; core.methods.log('nplModal.get_displayed_gallery_setting()', { gallery_id: gallery_id, name: name, result: tmp }); return tmp; }, router: { routes: [], interval: null, listen: function(current) { var self = this; current = current || ''; var listener = function() { if (current !== self.get_fragment()) { current = self.get_fragment(); self.match(current); } }; clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = setInterval(listener, 50); }, get_fragment: function(url) { url = url || window.location.href; var match = url.match(/#(.*)$/); var fragment = match ? match[1] : ''; return fragment.toString().replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/^\//, ''); }, navigate: function(path, notrigger) { notrigger = notrigger || false; if (notrigger) { clearInterval(this.interval); } if (!core.methods.get_setting('enable_routing', false)) { return; } path = path ? path : ''; window.location.href.match(/#(.*)$/); window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/#(.*)$/, '') + '#' + path; if (notrigger) { this.router.listen(this.router.get_fragment()) } }, match: function(f) { var fragment = f || this.get_fragment(); for (var i = 0; i < this.routes.length; i++) { var match = fragment.match(this.routes[i].re); if (match) { match.shift(); this.routes[i].handler.apply(core.methods, match); return this; } } }, front_page_pushstate: function(gallery_id, image_id) { if (!core.methods.get_setting('is_front_page') || gallery_id === undefined) { return false; } if ('undefined' === typeof window.galleries) { return false; } core.methods.log("beginning nplModal.router.front_page_pushstate()", { gallery_id: gallery_id, image_id: image_id }); var url = ''; var slug = gallery_id; $.each(galleries, function(index, gallery) { if (gallery.ID === gallery_id && typeof gallery.wordpress_page_root !== 'undefined') { url = gallery.wordpress_page_root; if (gallery.slug) { slug = gallery.slug; } } }); url += '#' + this.get_fragment(core.methods.get_setting('router_slug') + '/' + slug + '/' + image_id); // redirect those browsers that don't support history.pushState if (history.pushState) { history.pushState({}, document.title, url); return true; } else { window.location = url; return false; } } } } }; this.core = core; } var nplModalObj = new nplModal(); $.nplModal = function(param) { function getDescendantProp(obj, desc) { var arr = desc.split("."); while(arr.length) { obj = obj[arr.shift()]; } return obj; } if (typeof param === 'undefined') { return nplModalObj.core.init.apply(nplModalObj, {}); } else if (typeof param === 'object') { return nplModalObj.core.init.apply(nplModalObj, param); } else { var method = getDescendantProp(nplModalObj.core.methods, param); if (method) { return method.apply(nplModalObj.core.methods, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else { console.error('Method ' + param + ' does not exist on jQuery.nplModal'); } } }; })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $.nplModal(); });